Understanding Stomach Aches after Eating and What Causes Them

What are the Different Types of Stomach Aches?

There are a few different types of stomachaches, and each one requires a different approach to relief. Here are the three most common types of stomachaches:

1. Acute pain in the middle of your stomach that comes on quickly

2. A dull, aching pain that lasts for hours or days

3. A persistent pain that radiates from your stomach and chest

The first type of stomachache, acute pain in the middle of your stomach, is usually caused by something that’s impeding the flow of food from your stomach. Common causes of this type of pain include eating too fast, overeating, and drinking too much


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  1. Why Do You Have Stomach Aches And Diarrhea? -
  2. How to Identify the Different Types of Stomach Pain and What to Do - Welcome - LNSW

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