Understanding Stomach Aches after Eating and What Causes Them

Top 3 Reasons Why a Person Might Have Stomach Aches After Eating

There are a lot of reasons why a person might have stomach aches after eating. It’s important to get it checked out by a doctor if you experience this symptom, but we can help you narrow down the cause with these top three reasons:

1. You ate something that disagreed with your stomach – This is one of the most common causes for stomach aches. For example, if you’re lactose intolerant or have celiac disease, then it’s likely that some food you ate was dairy or gluten-based and caused your stomach pain.

2. You’re experiencing heartburn – Heartburn is when the acid from your stomach goes up into your esophagus and causes burning pain in the chest area and back of throat

3. You have an ulcer

stomach aches after eating

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